Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Refinished Mercury console and starting clean-up in the third row seat well...

While I continue to work on the body on finish up the interior trim, I have some new pics!

First is the "correct" '67 Mercury console that I located after restoring the '68 Galaxy console. It was definitely the way to go since it houses the controls for the power windows and power locks. And, I decided to go white with the console as I think it will set off against the black carpet better than the black console would. The controls still need to be cleaned up and transferred to the white housing. This was originally red...

Next up a a couple pics of the third row/cargo area. Lots of cleanup in there, but no rust holes. After a lot of wire-wheeling, I applied two coats of Rust-Fix, a coat of zinc primer, a coat of Eastwood's Rust Encapsulator, and a final coat of Extreme Chassis Black. Let's hope rust is never an issue there. Oh yeah, I also added in the seat belt brackets so the kiddies will have seat belts to keep them safe. (Note: Sorry, no pic of the finished black available yet. On my to-do list.)

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